Monday, March 10, 2008

San Antonio Weekend

Nana and I drove to San Antonio last Thursday night to pick up Sister Joy. Then on Friday we toured San Antonio - Huervos Ranchero breakfast, Alamo, Trolley Ride, Mercado, River Walk, Botanical Garden, the Four Missions, King William District, and that old Bermann hotel. It was a packed fun day.

Then on Saturday it was Nana's Aunt Euna Faye's 80th birthday party at the Country Club in LaGrange. It was a great party with Nana's aunts, uncles, and cousins (lots of them).

A great worship Sunday morning at Madisonville and then worked all afternoon to get ready for a week in Burbank. Nana and I have been tired -- sleeping long and solidly each night lately -- travel gets to us.

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