Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Moved Our First Load

Travel by truck is tiring -- packing boxes, loading the truck, driving 500 miles, and unloading. We stored our first load in Jimmy and Ashley's garage. Nana and I walked through the house today looking around once again. We were shocked with all the plumbing work that was being done. It turned out that someone had turned the water back on to the house and without any heat running, the pipes froze and busted. So a plumber was called in to find the leaks and fix them! We head back home on Thursday.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

New House in Arkansas !

Well, it's been a month since my last post and life has turned upside down. I took Nana to Arkansas to stay with Jimmy and Ashley (well, really to stay with Caleb and Madison), while I drove onto Kansas for 4 days to deliver a workshop. When I returned to Arkansas to pick up Nana and return home, she had found a house she wanted to buy. I went to look at it and agreed we should buy it to be near grandkids. So we made an offer on the house and now will buy in on April 19. We had not expected to sell the house in Texas yet, so we have a lot of do to pack this place up and sell it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I Might Be Back

It's been over a year and 3 months since my last post. In October 2008 my laptop computer (which I used for blogging) crashed. Then during 2009, we might say I was busy. It's interesting that my business income in 2009 was 1/3 what it was in 2008, but I seemed constantly busy. Blame it on a passion for gardening and canning with Nana during the first half of the year. Blame it on getting involved in church activities (preaching, teaching, newsletter, recruiting, etc. after the ministers left in June) during the second half of the year.

Anyway, I've wanted to get back to blogging because it documented incredible things that I had seen - snakes, coyotes, fish, etc. Only I wanted to make it more about what I've done than what I've experienced. Let's see if I can do that.

Currently, Nana and I are still trying to make the New Year's resolution to lose weight actually work. We're watching what we eat, doing yoga (thanks for the tape Jason), and lifting light weights every other night. I've dropped 4 pounds since the first week of January and want to continue losing 2 lbs. a month. Let's see what happens on that.