The second half of June flew by. Nana and I worked hard to get ready to leave for Jimmy & Ashley's on June 23. Then we waited until Wednesday afternoon when Madison arrived. What a joyous time! Everyone there was so excited and happy to see Jimmy bring that healthy granddaughter out of the operation room and to the hospital nursery. We could tell immediately that she was doing great. And Ashley's recovery has been going well also.
I drove up to my 45th high school reunion June 28. It was so great to see all the friends I had at ole' Triad High. It was hard to get around and chat with everyone who was there, but great to see them. I'm now looking forward to the 50th.
I finished the 2000 mile road trip with a fast (but 32 mpg average) drive home July 3. It was great to see the dogs, cat, and garden again, but the 400 lb. black hog in the road sure surprised me. I was driving out into the field on the golf cart last night and startled two does about 100 feet away in the field. Instead of immediately running off, they stood still and looked at me for over a minute. And today I went down to the orchard to pick figs before the birds pecked them all. As I was picking, a male & female Cardinal dive bombed me to try to drive me away from their lunch. Sorry high flyers, I'm taking 'em all. Then Flash uncovered a rabbit in the field, and the barking chaos of the hunt ensued. And when I got back home, I saw another Whistling Duck fly up into the trees. I love nature.