On Friday night Nana and I went to the 28th annual gospel singing in Franklin. We met Uncle Johnny and Aunt Linda at the Mexican restaurant for dinner before the singing. Then we went over to the church and got a seat right before it was to start. Somehow, Linda and Nana disappeared. The singing started at 7:00 pm and at 8:00 pm the "Sounds of Glory" -- Nana's Uncle Lanier's group came on. There were only a couple of his 6 singers there. He proceeded to tell the story - one was sick, one had his daughter's soccer game, one's daughter was having a baby that night, etc. Then he said, "but I twisted my niece Kathy and her aunt Linda's arms and they are going to sing with us." Nana walked up on stage with Linda! So for the next 30 minutes, they did a great job. I wish we had recorded it. Of course, it was a big suspenseful concert - would they know what to do. And they did.
Also, we were praying for Alexa's dissertation defense this afternoon from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm. At 4:17 I had a text message on my cell phone, "you can call me doctor daughter now." She did it! She was exhausted and will probably sleep 12 hours tonight, since she's had very little sleep for over a week. We're very happy for her.
Then tonight Nana and I saw a pair of black-bellied Whistling ducks on the lake. I heard them and saw them fly a couple times. They were very, very impressive as you can see by this picture. Bright red beaks, long pink legs, black under-belly, black & white wings, and rich brown front. First time I've ever seen them. What an unusual week.
Then tonight Nana and I saw a pair of black-bellied Whistling ducks on the lake. I heard them and saw them fly a couple times. They were very, very impressive as you can see by this picture. Bright red beaks, long pink legs, black under-belly, black & white wings, and rich brown front. First time I've ever seen them. What an unusual week.